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Welcome back!

If you have visited one of our facilities in the past you most likely have an online account. Please use Reset Your Password to check if you have an account before creating a new one.

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Note to existing customers

If you have visited one of our facilities in the past you most likely have an account with us. Please use the Reset Your Password functionality to check if we already have your email address on file. A link will be sent to your email address which will allow you to reset your password. Creating a second account online may result in an account without the correct membership or residency settings.

If you are a St. Albert resident and add new members to your account at a later date, you will need to get their residency verified by calling Guest Services at Fountain Park Recreation Centre at 780-459-1553 or Servus Place at 780-418-6088.

Reset your password

Need an account?

If you have visited one of our facilities before you most likely already have an account. Make sure you try to reset your password before you create a new account.

Create an account