55+ Hockey

55+ Hockey is available exclusively for individuals 55+ years of age with varying skill levels who are already registered in the 55+ Hockey cohort.

Individuals may pre-register for each session up to 7 days in advance. Pre-registered spots will be held until 10 minutes after start time, then released to a player from that cohort waiting to play.

Full hockey equipment is mandatory, including a hockey helmet with ½ visor (full face mask and neck guards are recommended), shoulder pads, hockey pants, hockey gloves, shin pads, and a regulation ice hockey stick. No body contact is allowed, and players must rotate to allow fair ice time.

Photo ID will be required at sign-in before every session. Maximum of 20 players and 2 goalies. Please bring a dark and a light jersey.

Players should enter through the south doors and go directly to the arena but are not able to arrive any earlier than 30 minutes before start time. Dressing rooms are available but have limited capacities, so players are asked to come as prepared as possible and to leave afterwards as quickly as possible.

Masks are required within Servus Credit Union Place when not on the ice, including in the dressing rooms.

There is a zero-tolerance policy for all individuals; swearing, fighting, refusing to show ID, sneaking on the ice, and being disrespectful will result in immediate dismissal.

It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure they are compliant with all AHS guidelines. Any participants exhibiting signs related to COVID-19 may be asked to leave by a Servus Credit Union Place staff member.

Select a Time:

Week of

 Saturday, August 21 
Information: No classes within that range.